Goodbye Line, hello FreeAgent

At the end of this month, I’ll be leaving my position as Designer at Line Digital to join the FreeAgent team as Interface Designer. It’s a big move for me.

Line have given me my first two ‘real’ years in the industry, offering me a job after I’d spent a year building my portfolio by freelancing full-time (and earning a pittance, I might add). I worked pretty feverishly that year and I’m still proud of some of my work, but having chosen to leave university before graduating, it’d be fair to say that Line took a bit of a chance on me. I was hungry to work with established brands and be involved in making bigger websites, and I’ve certainly had my fair share of that. Line are a fantastic team of passionate people, and it’ll be hard to top the feeling of working in such a fun and inspiring atmosphere. I’ve learned an incredible amount and made friends for life, but I know now is the right time to move on.

My workload has shifted much more towards interface design and user experience this last year, implementing user testing into every project possible and developing my own CSS and form frameworks specifically to allow for quicker UI development with a minimum of fuss. UI is really where my heart is, and I’ve had a strong desire to work full-time on applications instead of just websites for a while now.

Moving to FreeAgent is a fantastically exciting prospect because I already use it myself. I care about it. Becoming part of the team who’s job it is to improve and progress both new and existing functionality feels pretty special. Having a passionate user-base who can define by need what we create, then offer immediate feedback on the results is going to be an incredible new way of working for me too.

I can’t wait.